A Third Dimension to a Public Good

How many times do you visit wikipedia in a week? Have you ever thought of how wikipedia came into existence?   Yes! Its tagline ‘The Free Encyclopedia’ tells its story. Encyclopedia Britannica aimed to make a collection of all human knowledge. But, they stopped their print edition in 2012. The wikipedia we see today was…

Managing relationships and partnerships with government

A narrative by Saurabh Singh, Program Manager -Mantra4Change   Building credibility of the education development program and as an individual among different stakeholders in the state education department is really important. Among key factors that determine the success of a philanthropic program, ’building credibility’ should be our initial focus. Program Interventions fail often not because…

Thoughts Unfiltered

A detailed account by Ms. Khushboo Awasthi, Co-Founder – Mantra4Change on Planning and Prioritization amidst a pandemic.   “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.”   – Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter Series).   In any management study, there is a…