Empowering Education: Transforming Public Schools in India for a Brighter Future

Stage 01

The Seed (2013 - 2014)

The seed of Mantra4Change was sown in 2013 when Khushboo and Santosh, driven by a shared passion for social change, met Ms. B.S. Vidya, the principal of My School, a co-educational English medium school in Bengaluru. During a summer camp, they volunteered their time and taught the children. This experience ignited a passion within them. They witnessed the challenges under-resourced schools face and the immense importance of motivated teachers. Khushboo, with her social work background, and Santosh, who had seen the education system firsthand through Teach For India, felt a calling to make a difference. During this stage, the STEP program was launched in 7 pilot schools. Mantra also found its first guiding light in Mr Sanjay Purohit, who continues to be a mentor to this day. Additionally, Santosh & Khushboo took the crucial step of hiring their first full-time member, Anoop Erakkil.

Stage 02

The Sapling (2015 - 2016)

The “Sapling Stage” (2015-16) witnessed Mantra’s growth spurt. Building upon what was learned from the pilot schools, they expanded the STEP program to 20 schools. This surge in impact necessitated team growth, marking their first significant expansion. Mantra’s philosophy and success resonated with Mr. & Mrs. Shibulal, who became our first major supporters and pivotal in the organisation’s growth. The core of the STEP program remained a thorough needs assessment followed by a co-created transformation plan with the school leadership. Emphasis on teacher development continued, creating “Learning Circles” to build leadership skills and share tacit knowledge through documentation. Mantra closely monitored progress, providing regular updates to school leaders. This stage culminated in the publishing of the first STEP handbook in October 2016. This comprehensive guide captured their learnings and philosophy, inviting external critique and wider application.

Stage 03

Budding (2017 - 2018)

The “Budding” stage (2017-18) saw Mantra blossom beyond its organisation. Recognising the need to accelerate impact, Mantra wanted to create an ecosystem for school transformation. We launched EduMentum, a three-year incubation program funded by Mr. Shibulal. It aimed to mentor social entrepreneurs. EduMentum provided crucial basecamps on program design, monitoring and evaluation, organisational blueprints, and fundraising. Through mentorship, peer learning, and technology guidance, Mantra empowered these social startups to amplify school transformation while adapting it to their unique contexts. Focusing on government schools, we devised PACE (Project for Active Cluster Engagement), a model that addressed the challenges of smaller schools. PACE grouped 10-15 schools into “clusters” under an instructional leader. Mantra assessed needs across the cluster, leveraging synergies and resource sharing.

Stage 04

Branching (2019 - 2020)

The “Branching Out” stage (2019-2020) marked Mantra’s ascent to systemic impact. They scaled the STEP program to new heights, collaborating with the governments of Bihar, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. This necessitated an in-house “Solution and Design” team to manage large-scale implementation. Recognising the importance of context, Mantra also invested in a dedicated R&D team. By delving deeper into geographical nuances, they aimed to tailor solutions to address the specific challenges of each region. This strategic shift from a program-centric approach to a systemic one positioned Mantra to create a lasting ripple effect on the educational landscape.

Stage 05

Flowering (2021 - 2024)

The “Flowering Stage” (2021-2024) finds Mantra in full bloom, blossoming far beyond its initial roots, Bangalore. Our STEP program has become impactful, taking root in various states with customised approaches. In Karnataka, we’ve initiated district programs; in Andhra Pradesh, we are doing Project-Based Learning (PBL) and bridge courses. Bihar’s PBL initiatives bloom alongside the District Empowerment Program (DEP), which empowers districts and strengthens DIETs (District Institutes of Education and Training). Uttar Pradesh’s innovative “Super-100” program is building a cadre of capable Block Education Officers. In Punjab, our efforts were recognised by the prestigious Schwab Foundation, which culminated in the coveted “Collective Social Innovation Award” at the World Economic Forum. Mantra has blossomed into a flowering tree from a seed sown in Bangalore a decade ago. Today, our branches reach out to impact the lives of millions of children across India.

Our Values

At the heart of our work are our core values: Continuous Learning, Integrity, Ownership, Teamwork, Empathy, and a Sense of Possibility. These principles guide us in everything we do, driving our commitment to excellence and our dedication to creating a positive impact.